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[[Image:CPKbanner.PNG|232px|thumb|Punaisten khmerien lippu]]
[[Image:Flag of Democratic Kampuchea.svg|232px|thumb|DemokraattistaDemokraattisen KamputseaaKamputsean lippu]]
'''Punaiset khmerit''' ( [[ranskan kieli|ransk.]] ''khmers rouges'', [[khmer]]iksi ''Kmae Krɑhɑɑm'') oli [[Kommunismi|kommunistinen]] [[Vallankumous|vallankumouksellinen]] liike, joka hallitsi [[Kambodža|Demokraattista Kamputseaa]] huhtikuusta [[1975]] tammikuuhun [[1979]]. Punakhmerien tavoitteena oli luoda maahan utooppinen agraariyhteiskunta tuhoamalla kaupunkien keskiluokan, jonka tuhkasta nousisi tulevaisuuden uusi ihminen. Tarkoitusta varten kaupungit tyhjennettiin ja väestö pakkosiirrettiin maaseudulle pakkotöihin "kuoleman kentille" <ref> [ Moreorless : heroes & killers of the 20th century - Pol Pot Killer File, haettu 19.4.2007] Towns and cities are emptied and their former inhabitants are deemed "April 17th people" or "new people". The country's entire population is forced to relocate to agricultural collectives, the so-called "killing fields". </ref>. Punakhmerien hallinnon aikana yli miljoona kambodžalaista menehtyi aliravitsemukseen, sairauksiin ja summittaisiin teloituksiin <ref>[ BBC News 19.11.2007, haettu 19.4.2008] Under the Khmer Rouge, more than one million people died from starvation or overwork as leaders strove to create an agrarian utopia. </ref>, mutta huomattavasti suurempiakin arvioita on esitetty <ref> [ Cambodia - Beauty and Darkness - Bruce Sharp, haettu 19.4.2008] As of this writing (April 2005), the most commonly cited estimates of the death toll fall in the range of 1.5 to 1.7 million. The frequency with which a statistic is repeated, of course, is not an indication of its accuracy. Estimates often gain superficial credibility through repetition: a figure is put forth by one source, and is repeated without citation in another article; another commentator, searching for an accurate estimate, sees the same figure cited in two separate articles, and assumes that these two accounts have corroborated each other, and can therefore be considered reliable.</ref>.