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→‎Sarjan hahmot: kääntäen en-pediasta, viilaa, vapaata riistaa seuravalle
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== Sarjan hahmot ==
; {{k-ja|Maron Kusakabe|日下部 まろん|Kusakabe Maron}} {{k-ja|"Kaitō Jeanne"|怪盗 ジャンヌ|Kaitō JANNU}}
* Maron Kusakabe eli kaitō Jeanne; Harrastaa rytmivoimistelua. Hieman itkupilli, esittää yleensä vahvaa.
: Maron Kusakabe on sarjan 16-vuotias päähenkilö, joka vaikuttaa tavanomaiselta, voimistelussa lahjakkaalta koululaiselta. Sarjan alussa hän saa [[Jumala]]lta käskyn vangita ihmisten sydämien kauneutta varastavat [[demoni]]t. Finn-enkeliltä saamansa hiusnauhan avulla Maron muuttuu [[alter ego]]kseen "Kamikaze kaitō Jeanneksi" (kirjaimellisesti "[[kamikaze]]-haamuvaras Jeanne"), [[Jeanne d'Arc]]in [[reinkarnaatio]]ksi. Jeannena Maron vangitsee erityisen kauniissa esineissä piilottelevia demoneita iskemällä niihin [[nasta]]n ja muuttamalla ne näin valkoisiksi [[shakkinappula|shakkinappuloiksi]].
* Chiaki Nagoya eli kaitō Sinbad; Hieman pervo, mutta kiltti ja komea.
* Miyako Toudaiji; Maronin paras ystävä. Päällisin puolin näyttää ilkeältä ja itsevarma, vaikka on oikeasti mukava.
:Maron kuvataan yksinäisenä nuorena tyttönä, joka piilottaa tunteensa hymynsä taakse. Hän on asunut yksin siitä lähtien kun hänen vanhempansa muuttivat töidensä perässä. Ensimmäinen yhteys vanhempiin näiden lähdön jälkeen on puhelinsoitto, jolla nämä ilmoittavat tyttärelleen [[avioero]]staan. Maron on hyvin läheinen parhaan ystävänsä ja naapurinsa Miyakon perheelle.
* Yamato Minazuki; Poika Maronin luokalla, ja hän on ihastunut Maroniin.
<!-------When she first meets Chiaki, she dislikes him, but falls in love with him as the series progresses. At the end of the series or manga, Maron marries Chiaki and they have a daughter named Natsuki, who is a reincarnation of Finn.
* (Jun-Tenshi) Fin Fish; Taivaasta tulut enkeli, joka auttaa Maronia tämän Kaitou- tehtävässä. Paljastuu kylläkin paholaisen lähettilääksi, langenneeksi enkeliksi.
: Jeanne's weapons include her Checkmate pin, which she summons from a small demon-detecting device called Petit Claire, her [[ribbon (rhythmic gymnastics)|gymnastic ribbon]] that can slice through anything if whipped, and a fan used to deflect attacks. In the manga, she also uses a sword, which can be used to checkmate Demons. In the anime, she can use her gymnastic ribbon to checkmate Demons, and also has a Rebound Ball, which is like a rubber [[yo-yo]] that can stick to almost anything. {{anime voice|Houko Kuwashima}}
* (Kuro-Tenshi myöhemmin Jun-Tenshi) Access Time; Finiin rakastunut, Chiakin apulainen tämän Sinbad-työssä
* (Jun-Tenshi) Celcia Foomu; Finin ja Accessin ystävä.
; {{nihongo|Chiaki Nagoya|名古屋稚空|Nagoya Chiaki|extra2=/}} {{nihongo|"Kaito Sinbad"|怪盗 シンドバッド|Kaitō Shindobaddo}}
* (Jun-Tenshi) Toki Haiyaa; Finin ja Accessin ystävä.
: Chiaki is a 16-year-old high school student in Maron's and Miyako's class, who lives next-door to them. Like Maron, Chiaki also has an [[alter ego]] as Kaito Sinbad, who can also seal demons using pins except the chess pieces are black. Chiaki was given the power to become a ''kaitō'' by Access Time. In the manga, it is not explained how they met. In the anime, when Finn Fish was kidnapped by the Devil, Access was unable to help her until he met a young man, Chiaki, who could see him, and he gave Chiaki the [[bandanna]] or headband that lets him transform into Kaito Sinbad. Initially, Chiaki appears to be just a [[womanizing|womanizer]] who gets in Maron's way as he tries to seduce her, in both her identities. As the series progresses, however, Chiaki falls in love with Maron. Chiaki lives alone, having run away from home because he does not get along with his father and stepmother. His mother died when Chiaki was about 5. His father kept getting married to women, just so Chiaki could have a mother. Eventually, Maron convinces him to talk with his parents and reconcile with them.
* Igarashi Pakkyalamao; Maronin ja Miyakon opettaja koulussa.
: As Kaitō Sinbad, Chiaki uses pins and daggers in the manga, but a tri-headed [[boomerang]]-like weapon in the anime. Later in the anime, Sinbad also traps Demons using a special string. Unlike Jeanne, Sinbad is able to conjure several pins at once. As Sinbad, he initially wears a piece of cloth over his mouth to hide his identity from Maron, but stops wearing it after she discovers it. {{anime voice|Susumu Chiba}}
* Natsuki; Sagamin pikkusisko, kuoli nuorena, joten hänestä tuli enkeli Fin Fish.
* Sagami; Natsukin isoveli, hänessä on ollut pitkään demoni.
; {{nihongo|Finn Fish|フィン・フィッシュ|Fin Fisshu}}
* Kaiki Nagoya; Chiakin isä, sairaalaan johtaja.
: Finn Fish is the semi-angel (''jun-tenshi'') who helps Maron detect demons and gave her the power to transform into Kaito Jeanne. As the series progresses, it is shown that Finn is actually a fallen angel manipulating Maron to gather the chess pieces for another entity, who is the Devil in the manga and the angel Emerald Dragon in the anime. In the manga, Finn is the angelic incarnation of a girl named Natsuki who had been killed by her brother, Sagami. When she met Sagami as an angel, before the series began, she arranged that he die using a strand of her hair, for which she was tried in heaven for murder but was saved from annihilation by the Devil in return for her becoming his servant. It is later explained (in volume 7) that she sided with the Devil in order to meet Access again. In the anime, Finn is kidnapped by the Devil, who brainwashes her but then wipes her memory and turns her back into a semi-angel so that Maron would not be suspicious. She is brought back to her true self by Maron in episode 44.
* Kagura; Kaikin ystävä, työskentelee tämän sairaalassa.
: At the end of the series, Finn sacrifies herself so that Maron survives the battle with the Devil. When she dies, Access gives her his earring, and when Chiaki and Maron's daughter Natsuki is born, she holds the earring in her hand. {{anime voice|Kumiko Nishihara}}
* Jeanne d'Arc; Ranskassa elänyt nais-soturi, hänessä olleen reinkarnaatio-voimansa avulla hän pystyi uudelleen syntymään Maroniin.
* Hijiri Shikadou eli Noin Claude; Jeanne D'Arc:in rakastaja joka suuttui Jumalalle tämän tapettua Jeanne, ja siirtyi paholaisen puolelle.
; {{nihongo|Access Time|アクセス・タイム|Akusesu Taimu}}
* Zen Takazuchiya: Maron tutustui Zeniin sairaalassa, jossa tämä oli vaikean sairauden takia.
: Access Time is the dark angel (''kuro-tenshi'') who helps Chiaki detect demons and gave him the power to transform into Kaitō Sinbad. He is depicted as being in love with Finn despite teasing her a lot, and he works hard to become a full angel so he could be reincarnated with her. Access becomes a semi-angel (''jun-tenshi'') in volume 6 of the manga, whereupon he gives his holy power to Finn so she could be a full angel, thus turning back into a dark angel. In the manga, Access is reborn as Miyako and Yamato's son Shinji, and when he sees Natsuki with the earring that he gave her as Finn died, he proposes to her on the spot. {{anime voice|Akiko Yajima}}
; {{nihongo|Miyako Todaiji|東大寺 都|Tōdaiji Miyako}}
: Miyako is Maron's classmate and best friend, who lives across the hall from Maron. Miyako's parents are detectives, and Miyako is always trying to catch Jeanne. In the manga, Miyako knows that Maron is Jeanne and says that she tries to catch Jeanne so she could make a mistake and release her, with the excuse that she was just a minor. In the anime, Miyako does not know that Maron is Jeanne until the end of the series; she creates complex and rather dangerous plots to catch Jeanne, causing Jeanne a lot of trouble. Miyako is depicted as stubborn, unafraid to fight, and with a fierce temper that she loses when Jeanne escapes. Miyako is in love with her classmate Chiaki but gives up on him because he is more interested in Maron. When Yamato confesses to her, she initially believes he is joking and ignores him. In the manga, at the end of the series, she marries Yamato and has a son named Shinji, the reincarnation of Access. {{anime voice|Naoko Matsui}}
; {{nihongo|Yamato Minazuki|水無月 大和|Minazuki Yamato}}
: Yamato is a classmate of Maron, Chiaki, and Miyako. Yamato is depicted as a shy young man with a big crush on Maron. He is the [[Iincho|class president]], though the other students do not respect him because of his gentle, unassuming nature. His innocence and pure heart makes it easy for Demons to possess him. Later in the series, he joins Miyako in trying to catch Sinbad. Though he still has a crush on Maron, Miyako catches his attention, and in the manga, he confesses that he likes her. In response, she gets angry and pushes him into a lake, thinking he was making fun of her. At the end of the series, however, he marries Miyako. {{anime voice|Naozumi Takahashi}}
; Noin Claude
: Noin is a Demon who disguises himself as the history teacher in Maron's class, Hijiri Shikaido. Five hundred years ago, he was Noin Claude, a knight who assisted the original Jeanne d'Arc. In the manga, he became a Demon when his present-day self traveled into the past with Maron and caused a Demon to possess his past self. In the anime, he became a Demon after God did not save Jeanne d'Arc from [[burning at the stake]], for which he cursed God and surrendered his soul to the Devil. He falls in love with Maron and tries to rape her, knowing that she can only transform as a virgin. In the manga, he vows to love Jeanne's next reincarnated form. In the end of the anime, he dies protecting Maron and rises up to Heaven to join Jeanne d'Arc. In the manga, he has a pet dragon named Silk who is devoted to him despite his harsh treatment. {{anime voice|Kappei Yamaguchi}}
; {{nihongo|Myst|ミスト|Misuto}}
: Myst, who only appears in the anime, is a Demon sent to kill Maron. She is depicted as being more powerful than Noin, who is a human who became a Demon, because she is a pure-bred demon. Myst uses a candy box to hold other Demons, who can only be defeated by Maron's gymnastics ribbon. She is defeated by Maron, aided by Noin, but when Maron sees her broken and bruised form, she takes pity on Myst and returns her candy box. {{anime voice|Wakana Yamazaki}}-------->
*: '''Chiaki Nagoya''' eli kaitō Sinbad; Hieman pervo, mutta kiltti ja komea.
*: '''Miyako ToudaijiTōdaiji'''; Maronin paras ystävä. Päällisin puolin näyttää ilkeältä ja itsevarma, vaikka on oikeasti mukava.
*: '''Yamato Minazuki'''; Poika Maronin luokalla, ja hän on ihastunut Maroniin.
*: '''(Jun-Tenshi) FinFinn Fish'''; Taivaasta tulut enkeli, joka auttaa Maronia tämän Kaitou- tehtävässä. Paljastuu kylläkin paholaisen lähettilääksi, langenneeksi enkeliksi.
*: '''(Kuro-Tenshi, myöhemmin Jun-Tenshi) Access Time'''; Finiin rakastunut, Chiakin apulainen tämän Sinbad-työssä
*: '''(Jun-Tenshi) Celcia Foomu'''; Finin ja Accessin ystävä.
*: '''(Jun-Tenshi) Toki Haiyaa'''; Finin ja Accessin ystävä.
*: '''Igarashi Pakkyalamao'''; Maronin ja Miyakon opettaja koulussa.
*: '''Natsuki'''; Sagamin pikkusisko, kuoli nuorena, joten hänestä tuli enkeli FinFinn Fish.
*: '''Sagami'''; Natsukin isoveli, hänessä on ollut pitkään demoni.
*: '''Kaiki Nagoya'''; Chiakin isä, sairaalaan johtaja.
*: '''Kagura'''; Kaikin ystävä, työskentelee tämän sairaalassa.
*: '''Jeanne d'Arc'''; Ranskassa elänyt nais-soturinaissoturi, hänessä olleen reinkarnaatio-voimansareinkarnaatiovoiman avulla hän pystyi uudelleen syntymään MaroniinMaroniksi.
*: '''Hijiri ShikadouShikadō''' eli '''Noin Claude'''; Jeanne D'Arc:in rakastaja joka suuttui Jumalalle tämän tapettua Jeanne,Jeannen ja siirtyi paholaisen puolelle.
*: '''Zen Takazuchiya''': Maron tutustui Zeniin sairaalassa, jossa tämä oli vaikean sairauden takia.
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