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Rivi 40:
* [ The Winchester Arms Collectors Association]
* [ Brief History of The Winchester Repeating Arms Company]
*[ Henry repeating rifle US Patent no. 30,446 & other resources]
*[ Winchester Model 1866 US Patent no. 55,012 - 57,808 & other resources]
*[ Winchester Model 1885 US Patent no. 220,271 & other resources]
*[ Winchester Model 1886 US Patent no. 306,577 & other resources]
*[ Winchester Model 1887 US Patent no. 336,287 & other resources]
*[ Winchester Model 1890 US Patent no. 385,238 & other resources]
*[ Winchester Model 1894 US Patent no. 524,702 & other resources]
*[ Winchester Model 1895 US Patent no. 549,345 & other resources]