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p (GR) File renamed: File:Park Chung-hee JKF November 1961.jpgFile:Park Chung-hee and John F. Kennedy November 1961.jpg Criterion 3 (obvious error) · wrong spelling, JKF is not the right name for John F. Kennedy.
Rivi 2 119:
File:Park Chung-hee JKFand John F. Kennedy November 1961.jpg|Korean presidentti [[Park Chung-hee]] presidentti Kennedyn kanssa Valkoisessa talossa
File:Chun Doo-hwan.png|Korean presidentti [[Chun Doo-hwan]] valtiovierailulla Washingtonissa
File:20060914-5 d-0233-3-515h.jpg|Presidentti George W. Bush Korean presidentin [[Roh Moo-hyun]]in kanssa Valkoisessa talossa