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Mielipiteestä toteamukseksi: Geenitekniikalla olisi voitu ratkaista > Geenitekniikan puolustajien mielestä geenimuuntelulla voitaisiin ratkaista
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[[Perinnöllisyystiede|Perinnöllisyystieteen]] nopea kehitys sekä DNA:n rakenteen samanlaisuus kaikilla eliölajeilla on lyhyessä ajassa mahdollistanut ihmisen puuttumisen elämän ja suvunjatkamisen perusmekanismeihin. Geenitekniikan mahdollisuuksien jatkuvasti monipuolistuessa se pakottaa ihmiskunnan myös ottamaan kantaa aivan uudenlaisiin [[etiikka|eettisiin]] ongelmiin.
Siitä on laaja [[tieteellinen konsensus]], että tarjolla olevasta [[Geenimuunneltu organismi|GM]]-peräisestä ruoasta ei koidu suurempaa vaaraa kuin perinteisestä.<ref name="AAAS">American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Board of Directors (2012). [ Legally Mandating GM Food Labels Could Mislead and Falsely Alarm Consumers]</ref><ref name="decade_of_EU-funded_GMO_research">{{cite book |title= A decade of EU-funded GMO research (2001-2010)|url=|format= PDF|year= 2010|publisher= Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Biotechnologies, Agriculture, Food. European Union|doi= 10.2777/97784|isbn= 978-92-79-16344-9|quote="The main conclusion to be drawn from the efforts of more than 130 research projects, covering a period of more than 25 years of research, and involving more than 500 independent research groups, is that biotechnology, and in particular GMOs, are not per se more risky than e.g. conventional plant breeding technologies." (p. 16)}}</ref><ref name="Ronald">{{cite journal | author = Ronald, Pamela | title = Plant Genetics, Sustainable Agriculture and Global Food Security | journal = Genetics | volume = 188 | issue = 1 | pages = 11–20 | year = 2011 | url=}}</ref><ref name="WHO">World Health Organization. [ Food safety: 20 questions on genetically modified foods.] Accessed December 22, 2012.</ref><ref name=FAO2004>FAO, 2004. [ State of Food and Agriculture 2003–2004. Agricultural Biotechnology: Meeting the Needs of the Poor]. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. "Currently available transgenic crops and foods derived from them have been judged safe to eat and the methods used to test their safety have been deemed appropriate. These conclusions represent the consensus of the scientific evidence surveyed by the ICSU (2003) and they are consistent with the views of the World Health Organization (WHO, 2002). These foods have been assessed for increased risks to human health by several national regulatory authorities (inter alia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, the United Kingdom and the United States) using their national food safety procedures (ICSU). To date no verifiable untoward toxic or nutritionally deleterious effects resulting from the consumption of foods derived from genetically modified crops have been discovered anywhere in the world (GM Science Review Panel). Many millions of people have consumed foods derived from GM plants - mainly maize, soybean and oilseed rape - without any observed adverse effects (ICSU)."</ref><ref name=Other>Other sources:
*Tamar Haspel for the Washington Post. October 15, 2013. [ Genetically modified foods: What is and isn’t true]
*Winter CK and Gallegos LK (2006). [ Safety of Genetically Engineered Food.] University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications, Publication 8180.