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'''Artikkeleja tieteellisissä aikakauskirjoissa ja kokoomateoksissa'''
*Sotarauta, M. & Mustikkamäki, N. 2015. Institutional entrepreneurship, power, and knowledge in innovation systems: Institutionalization of regenerative medicine in Tampere, Finland. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33(2) 342 – 357
*Sotarauta, M. 2014. Territorial Knowledge Leadership in Policy Networks: A Peripheral Region of South Ostrobothnia, Finland as a Case in Point. In Rutten, R., Benneworth, P., Irawati, D. and Boekema, F. (eds.) The Social Dynamics of Innovation Networks. 42-59. Routledge; Abingdon, Oxon.
*Sotarauta, M. 2014. Reflections on mobilizing leadership in cities and regions. Regional Science, Regional Studies, 1(1), 28-31.
*Sotarauta, M. 2013. Institutional Entrepreneurship, Innovation Systems, and Innovation Policy. In Elias G. Carayannis (ed.). Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Springer. 1074-1081.
*Sotarauta, M. & Kosonen, K.-J. 2013. Customized Innovation Policies and the Regions: Digital content services and intelligent machinery in Finland. European Urban and Regional Studies. 20(2), 258-274
*Sotarauta, M. 2012. Policy Learning and the ‘Cluster Flavoured Innovation Policy’ in Finland. Environment & Planning C: Government and Policy. 30(5), 780-795.
*Hartog, M. & Boschma, R. & Sotarauta, M. 2012. The impact of related variety on regional employment growth in Finland 1993-2006: high-tech versus medium/low-tech. Industry and Innovation, 19(6), 459-476.
*Sotarauta, M. 2012. Policy Learning and the ‘Cluster Flavoured Innovation Policy’ in Finland. Environment & Planning C: Government and Policy. 30(5), 780-795.
*Sotarauta, M. and Saarivirta, T. 2012. Strategy development in knowledge cities revisited - the roles of innovation strategy in Helsinki Metropolitan Area explored. In Garmann Johnsen H.C. & Ennals, R. (eds.) Creating collaborative advantage: Innovation and knowledge creation in regional economies. Gower, pp. 79-90.
*Sotarauta, M. & Mustikkamäki, N. 2012. Strategic leadership relay: how to keep regional innovation journeys in motion. In Sotarauta, M., Horlings, L. & Liddle, J. (eds.). Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development. pp. 190-211. Abingdon, Oxon; Routledge.
*Sotarauta, M. & Pulkkinen, R. 2011. Institutional Entrepreneurship for Knowledge Regions: In Search of a Fresh Set of Questions for Regional Innovation Studies. Environment & Planning C, 29(1), pp. 96-112
*Sotarauta, M., Ramstedt-Sen, T., Seppänen, S. & Kosonen, K.J. 2011. Digital or Local Buzz, Global or National Pipelines: Patterns of Knowledge Sourcing in Intelligent Machinery and Digital Content Services in Finland. European Planning Studies, 19(7), pp. 1305-1330.
*Asheim, B., Isaksen, A., Moodysson, J., and Sotarauta, M. 2011. Knowledge bases, modes of innovation and regional innovation policy: A theoretical re-examination with illustrations from the Nordic countries. In Bathelt, H., Feldman, M.P., and Koegler, D.F. (eds) Beyond Territory: Dynamic Geographies of Knowledge Creation, Diffusion and Innovation, pp. 227-249, London and New York: Routledge.
*Sotarauta, M. 2010. Regional Development and Regional Networks: The Role of Regional Development Officers in Finland. European Urban and Regional Studies, 17(4), pp. 387-400.
*Sotarauta, M. 2009. Power and Influence Tactics in the Promotion of Regional Development: An Empirical Analysis of the Work of Finnish Regional Development Officers. Geoforum. 40:5. pp. 895-905..
*Sotarauta, M. 2016. Leadership and the city: Power, strategy and networks in the making of knowledge cities. Routledge; Abingdon, Oxon.
*Sotarauta, M., Horlings, L. & Liddle, J. (eds.) 2012. Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development. Abingdon; Routledge
*Sotarauta, M. (toim.) 2009. Itseuudistumisen kapasiteetti ja alueelliset innovaatiopolitiikat. Tekesin katsaus 263/2009. Tekes. Helsinki.