Shadows and Nightmares

Shadows and Nightmares on Two Steps from Hellin toinen näytealbumi, joka julkaistiin 16. syyskuuta 2006.[1]

Shadows and Nightmares
Two Steps from Hell
Studioalbumin Shadows and Nightmares kansikuva
Studioalbumin tiedot
 Tyylilaji Klassinen musiikki
 Kesto 1:21.56
Two Steps from Hellin muut julkaisut
Volume One
Shadows and Nightmares
16. syyskuuta 2006


  1. Doomsday – 1.07
  2. Doomsday (No Choir) – 1.07
  3. Doomsday (Hits Only) – 1.07
  4. She Rises – 1.23
  5. She Rises (No Choir) – 1.23
  6. Ritual of Resurrection – 0.40
  7. Ritual of Resurrection (No Choir) – 0.40
  8. Ritual of Resurrection (First Hit) – 0.19
  9. Nocturnal Prey – 0.52
  10. Nocturnal Prey (No Choir) – 0.51
  11. Evil! (Part 1) – 1.08
  12. Evil! (Part 2) – 0.51
  13. Evil! (Part 1) (No Choir) – 1.05
  14. Evil! (Part 2) (No Choir) –0.51
  15. Ghost Town – 1.05
  16. Ghostly Presence – 0.58
  17. Ghostly Presence (No Choir) – 1.01
  18. Demonic Procession – 0.48
  19. Demonic Procession (No Choir) – 0.48
  20. Come What May (No Percussion) – 1.06
  21. Come What May – 1.09
  22. Betrayed – 0.50
  23. Betrayed (No Choir) – 0.50
  24. Face of Dhomor Devah – 1.21
  25. Face of Dhomor Devah (No Choir) – 1.21
  26. Tick Tock Goes the Glock – 0.57
  27. Awakening the Beast – 1.16
  28. Awakening the Beast (No Choir) – 1.13
  29. Inhuman Growth – 1.07
  30. Inhuman Growth (No Choir) – 1.07
  31. Mountains of Madness – 0.42
  32. Etergheros Charhela (Sacrificium) – 1.00
  33. Etergheros Charhela (Sacrificium) (No Choir) – 0.56
  34. Bottomless Pit of Torment – 0.22
  35. Bottomless Pit of Torment (No Choir) – 0.22
  36. Eyes Wide Open – 0.31
  37. Eyes Wide Open (No Choir) – 0.30
  38. Loch Ness – 0.59
  39. Discovery of Land – 1.07
  40. Discovery of Land (No Choir) – 0.54
  41. 20000 Tons of TNT – 0.28
  42. 20000 Tons of TNT (No Choir) – 0.28
  43. The Return of Life – 1.07
  44. The Return of Life (No Choir) – 1.07
  45. Approaching Tsunami – 0.35
  46. Approaching Tsunami (No Choir) – 0.31
  47. Unholy Requiem – 0.57
  48. Unholy Requiem (No Choir) – 1.01
  49. SuperFX: Ignition (hit + rise) – 0.09
  50. SuperFX: System Failure (hit + static) – 0.17
  51. SuperFX: Toxic Air (static + pounding) – 0.13
  52. SuperFX: Alien Encounter (static + rise) – 0.19
  53. SuperFX: Fear Factor 100 (static) – 0.15
  54. SuperFX: Paralyzed by Fear (static) – 0.14
  55. SuperFX: Crawling Invasion (rise) – 0.14
  56. SuperFX: Gateway to Oblivion (rise) – 0.13
  57. SuperFX: Hide & Seek (rise) – 0.13
  58. SuperFX Jungle Swarm (rise) – 0.16
  59. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit I (hit) – 0.04
  60. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit II (hit) – 0.03
  61. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit III (hit) – 0.03
  62. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit IV (hit) – 0.04
  63. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit V (hit) – 0.04
  64. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit VI (hit) – 0.04
  65. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit VII (hit) – 0.04
  66. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit VIII (hit) – 0.05
  67. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit IX (hit) – 0.05
  68. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit X (hit) – 0.07
  69. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit XI (hit) – 0.04
  70. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit XII (hit) – 0.13
  71. SuperFX: Orchestra Hit XIII (hit) – 0.13
  72. Cemetery Waltz – 1.09
  73. Cemetery Waltz (No Choir) –1.08
  74. 2000 Leagues – 1.22
  75. Crisis Gone Bad – 0.52
  76. Death Grip 2 – 0.35
  77. Death Grip – 0.39
  78. Deathhook – 0.52
  79. Demon Child – 1.10
  80. Empire of the Mind – 1.32
  81. Evac – 0.46
  82. Extreme Crisis – 1.22
  83. Forbidden – 0.58
  84. Found at the Lake – 1.24
  85. Hammer of Doom – 0.52
  86. Heartpounder – 1.36
  87. Infinity – 1.09
  88. Justification – 1.13
  89. Lord of Death – 1.27
  90. Messages Across Time – 1.21
  91. Overheated – 1.20
  92. Possessed Village – 1.06
  93. Precinct Breach – 1.09
  94. Recon J74 – 1.10
  95. Rising Darkness – 1.51
  96. Satellite Photos – 1.11
  97. Smartbomb – 0.58
  98. Surveilance – 0.55
  99. The last 100 – 1.01
  100. Undead Chamber – 1.30

Lähde: [2]


  1. Release “Shadows and Nightmares” by Two Steps From Hell - MusicBrainz Viitattu 19.8.2023.
  2. Shadows And Nightmares — Two Steps from Hell 18.2.2023. Viitattu 19.8.2023. (englanniksi)