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Rivi 1:
(Nincs tárgy)
[[Tiedosto:Détection de personne - exemple 1.jpg|thumb|[[Kuvantunnistus]]-tekoälyn tunnistamat jalankulkijat.]]
here I'm
here I'm
2019. 05. 29., Sze, 22:48
You are now talking with polishgirl
<Guestav> hi...if u were a princess, wud u sentence me to forced work in a saharan concentration camp?
<Guestav> hi...if u were a princess, wud u sentence me to forced work in a saharan concentration camp?
<polishgirl> no but you can clean the auschwitz
<Guestav> what do u mean?
<polishgirl> its a concentration camp
<Guestav> wud u force me into it?
<polishgirl> maybe
<Guestav> for how long?
<polishgirl> a week
<Guestav> and what wud i have to do there?
<polishgirl> clean jaw remains
<Guestav> ohhh
<Guestav> and wud i be alone there or not?
<polishgirl> with jaws
<Guestav> dead jews?
<polishgirl> alive
<Guestav> wud the camp be packed?
<polishgirl> yes
<Guestav> very much?
<Guestav> wud it be very disturbing?
<polishgirl> i dont know
<Guestav> and wud we sleep on rotted mattrasses?
<polishgirl> on tyhe floor
<Guestav> naked?
<polishgirl> whats censore42
<Guestav> how many hours cud we sleep?
<polishgirl> 4
<Guestav> omg!!!
<Guestav> wud there be bullying?
<polishgirl> yes a capo
<Guestav> omg so good
<Guestav> and for me it wud last for one week?
<polishgirl> maybe
<Guestav> how long wud be the longest forced labour?
<polishgirl> life time
<Guestav> omg
<Guestav> and the shortest?
<Guestav> wud hygiene be horrible there?
<polishgirl> yes smelly of garlic
<Guestav> ohhh
<Guestav> but wud u sentence me only for one week?
<polishgirl> who knows
<Guestav> what wud be the maximum u wud sentence me to?
<polishgirl> eternity
<Guestav> oh my goodness so good!!   that wud be so long
<Guestav> when wud this begin for me if it depended on u?
<polishgirl> now
<Guestav> and what wud it depend on how long u wud sentence me?  what wud the length depend on?
<polishgirl> my mood
<Guestav> omg...and based on ur mood right now: for how long wud u sentence me right now?
<polishgirl> 10x the eternity
<Guestav> oh my goodness!!!!!
<Guestav> what wud u say if I begged u not to sentence me to forced work?
<polishgirl> id say there is no appeal from verdicts
<Guestav> so if it depended on u right now, u wud sentence me for life long
<polishgirl> maybe
<Guestav> but why?  are u in a bad mood now?
<polishgirl> no
<Guestav> then what a mood is which u wud sentence me for a lifetime in? :P
<polishgirl> after i miss pokemon episide
<Guestav> ohhh
<Guestav> and what wud be the easiest sentence?
<polishgirl> smelling a jaw
<Guestav> oh
<Guestav> anyway how old are u?
<polishgirl> 20 you
<Guestav> 25
<Guestav> ur age is wud be so good to be under ur power
<Guestav> wud life be very hard in the camp?
<polishgirl> maybe
<Guestav> ohhh...I have to go now :/
<Guestav> see u and hopefully one day u will get power and sentence me for whole life long[[Tiedosto:Détection de personne - exemple 1.jpg|thumb|[[Kuvantunnistus]]-tekoälyn tunnistamat jalankulkijat.]]
'''Tekoäly''' eli '''keinoäly''' on [[tietokone]] tai [[tietokoneohjelma]], joka kykenee tekemään [[Älykkyys|älykkäinä]] pidettäviä toimintoja. Tekoälyn tarkempi määrittely on avoin, koska älykkyyttä itsessään on vaikea määritellä. Andreas Kaplan ja Michael Haenlein määrittelevät tekoälyn "järjestelmän kyvyksi tulkita ulkoisia tietoja oikein, oppia tällaisista tiedoista ja käyttää opittuja asioita tiettyjen tavoitteiden ja tehtävien saavuttamisessa joustavan sopeutumisen kautta".<ref>[ Andreas Kaplan; Michael Haenlein (2019) Siri, Siri in my Hand, who's the Fairest in the Land? On the Interpretations, Illustrations and Implications of Artificial Intelligence, Business Horizons, 62(1), 15-25]</ref> Tekoäly viittaa myös aihetta tutkivaan tieteen alaan.