Ero sivun ”Helteen tukaluus” versioiden välillä

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Rivi 3:
Tukaluuden arvioimista varten järjestettiin kokeita, joissa joukko ihmisiä kuvaili kokemiaan lämmön ja epämukavuuden tunteita säädellyissä olosuhteissa. Näin laskettiin paljonko kosteus lisää tukaluutta kussakin lämpötilassa. Esimerkiksi lämpötila +25 °C ja suhteellinen kosteus 90 % koetaan yhtä tukalaksi kuin +34 °C lämpötila, jos kosteus on vain 10 %.<ref>{{Verkkoviite | Osoite = | Nimeke = Helteen tukaluus kuvaa lämpötilan ja kosteuden yhteisvaikutusta | Ajankohta = 8.1.2015 | Julkaisija = Ilmatieteen laitos | Viitattu =16.7.2018}}</ref>
Helteen tukaluutta kuvaavan luvun kehittivät 1970-luvulla J. M. Masterton ja F. A. Richardson. Heidän ''humidex'' -nimellä kutsumaansa mittalukua käytetään sellaisenaan Kanadassa, mutta siitä on paikallisia versioita eri puolilla maailmaa.<ref name="HOW">{{Verkkoviite | Osoite = | Nimeke = How is the humidex calculated? | Julkaisu = FAQ | Julkaisija = Environment Canada | Viitattu = 7.8.2012 | Kieli = {{en}} }}</ref> Kanadan ilmatieteen laitos ei käytä humidexin perässä asteen merkkiä koska se on indeksi, ei lämpötilaluku.<ref>{{Verkkoviite | Osoite = | Nimeke = You don't add a degree sign (or any other unit) after the number used for wind chill or for the humidex. Why is that? | Julkaisu = FAQ | Ajankohta = | Julkaisupaikka = | Julkaisija = Environment Canada | Viitattu =
7.8.2012 | Kieli = {{en}} }}</ref>
== Raja-arvoja ==
*20 - 29: Vain hieman tai ei lainkaan epämukava
*30 - 39: Jossain määrin epämukava
*40 - 45: Hyvin epämukava, vältä turhaa toimintaa
*45: Lämpöhalvauksen riski suuri, vaarallinen
*26–32 °C Pitempi työskentely ja auringossa oleminen voi uuvuttaa, mahdollisesti lämpökouristuksia jos työskentelee kauan
*32–41 °C Varo. Lämpöhalvaus mahdollinen, lämpökouristukset ja uupumus.
*41–54 °C Vaarallinen: lämpöhalvaus jne todennäköisiä
*yli 54 °C Lämpöhalvaus täysin varma
== Laskeminen ==
Humidex lasketaan lisäämällä lämpötilaan kosteudesta riippuva luku h, joka määriteltiin alkujaan vesihöyryn osapaineesta e:<ref name="HOW"/>
Rivi 12 ⟶ 32:
Yhdysvalloissa NOAA ja kansallinen sääpalvelu NWS käyttävät samantyyppistä indeksiä, mutta käyttävät sen yksikkönä Fahrenheitiä.<ref>{{Verkkoviite | Osoite = | Nimeke = How Forecasters Decide Whether to Issue Excessive Heat Products | Tekijä = | Tiedostomuoto = | Selite = | Julkaisu = | Ajankohta = | Julkaisupaikka = | Julkaisija = National Weather Service NOAA | Viitattu = 7.8.2012 | Kieli = }}</ref>
== Taulukoita ==
=== T1 ===
Kastepisteen ja lämpötilan mukaan.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; height: 200px; border: none; background: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-size: 90%"
|+ Kosteusindeksi alueelle 15–43 °C
! rowspan=2 colspan=2 style="border: none; background: none;" | &nbsp;
! colspan=29 | Lämpötila (°C)
! scope="col" | 15
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! rowspan=20 | Kastepiste<br/>point<br/>(°C)
! scope="row" | 10
| style="background: limegreen" | 16 || style="background: limegreen" | 17 || style="background: limegreen" | 18 || style="background: limegreen" | 19 || style="background: limegreen" | 20 || style="background: limegreen" | 21 || style="background: limegreen" | 22 || style="background: limegreen" | 23 || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44
! scope="row" | 11
| style="background: limegreen" | 17 || style="background: limegreen" | 18 || style="background: limegreen" | 19 || style="background: limegreen" | 20 || style="background: limegreen" | 21 || style="background: limegreen" | 22 || style="background: limegreen" | 23 || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45
! scope="row" | 12
| style="background: limegreen" | 17 || style="background: limegreen" | 18 || style="background: limegreen" | 19 || style="background: limegreen" | 20 || style="background: limegreen" | 21 || style="background: limegreen" | 22 || style="background: limegreen" | 23 || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45
! scope="row" | 13
| style="background: limegreen" | 18 || style="background: limegreen" | 19 || style="background: limegreen" | 20 || style="background: limegreen" | 21 || style="background: limegreen" | 22 || style="background: limegreen" | 23 || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46
! scope="row" | 14
| style="background: limegreen" | 18 || style="background: limegreen" | 19 || style="background: limegreen" | 20 || style="background: limegreen" | 21 || style="background: limegreen" | 22 || style="background: limegreen" | 23 || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46
! scope="row" | 15
| style="background: limegreen" | 19 || style="background: limegreen" | 20 || style="background: limegreen" | 21 || style="background: limegreen" | 22 || style="background: limegreen" | 23 || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47
! scope="row" | 16
| style="border: none" | || style="background: limegreen" | 21 || style="background: limegreen" | 22 || style="background: limegreen" | 23 || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48
! scope="row" | 17
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: limegreen" | 22 || style="background: limegreen" | 23 || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48
! scope="row" | 18
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: limegreen" | 24 || style="background: limegreen" | 25 || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49
! scope="row" | 19
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: limegreen" | 26 || style="background: limegreen" | 27 || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50
! scope="row" | 20
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: limegreen" | 28 || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51
! scope="row" | 21
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: limegreen" | 29 || style="background: yellow" | 30 || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51
! scope="row" | 22
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: yellow" | 31 || style="background: yellow" | 32 || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51 || style="background: red; color: white" | 52
! scope="row" | 23
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: yellow" | 33 || style="background: yellow" | 34 || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51 || style="background: red; color: white" | 52 || style="background: red; color: white" | 53
! scope="row" | 24
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: yellow" | 35 || style="background: yellow" | 36 || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51 || style="background: red; color: white" | 52 || style="background: red; color: white" | 53 || style="background: red; color: white" | 54
! scope="row" | 25
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: yellow" | 37 || style="background: yellow" | 38 || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51 || style="background: red; color: white" | 52 || style="background: red; color: white" | 53 || style="background: red; color: white" | 54 || style="background: red; color: white" | 55
! scope="row" | 26
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: yellow" | 39 || style="background: darkorange" | 40 || style="background: darkorange" | 41 || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51 || style="background: red; color: white" | 52 || style="background: red; color: white" | 53 || style="background: red; color: white" | 54 || style="background: red; color: white" | 55 || style="background: red; color: white" | 56
! scope="row" | 27
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: darkorange" | 42 || style="background: darkorange" | 43 || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51 || style="background: red; color: white" | 52 || style="background: red; color: white" | 53 || style="background: red; color: white" | 54 || style="background: red; color: white" | 55 || style="background: red; color: white" | 56 || style="background: red; color: white" | 57 || style="background: red; color: white" | 58
! scope="row" | 28
| style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="border: none" | || style="background: darkorange" | 44 || style="background: darkorange" | 45 || style="background: red; color: white" | 46 || style="background: red; color: white" | 47 || style="background: red; color: white" | 48 || style="background: red; color: white" | 49 || style="background: red; color: white" | 50 || style="background: red; color: white" | 51 || style="background: red; color: white" | 52 || style="background: red; color: white" | 53 || style="background: red; color: white" | 54 || style="background: red; color: white" | 55 || style="background: red; color: white" | 56 || style="background: red; color: white" | 57 || style="background: red; color: white" | 58 || style="background: red; color: white" | 59
=== T2 ===