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Rivi 121:
*{{Kiinan tasavalta}} (vuodesta 1930) .<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=民法-結婚要件之研析|publisher=}}</ref>
*{{Turkki}}: (laitonta vuodesta 1926).<ref>[ "Polygamy Fosters Culture Clashes (and Regrets) in Turkey"], ''New York Times'', 10 July 2006</ref> <ref>{{cite web|url=|title="Turkey Between Secularism and Islamism" by Jacob M. Landau|publisher=}}</ref><ref>[ "Turkey's secularism 'threatened'"], BBC</ref><ref>Alev Çinar, "Modernity, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey"</ref>.<ref>[ "Polygamy in Turkey"], Polygamy 411, May 2009</ref>