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Rivi 35:
<ref name="gray_2001">{{cite journal | url = | first = Robert | last = Gray | coauthors = Kevin Marvel | title = A VLA Search for the Ohio State 'Wow' | journal = The [[Astrophysical Journal]] | issue=2 | volume = 546 | pages = 1171–1177 | year = 2001 | doi = 10.1086/318272 }}</ref>
<ref name="space_com">{{cite news | url = | first = Seth | last = Shostak | title = Interstellar Signal From the 70s Continues to Puzzle Researchers | publisher = | date = 2002-12-05|archiveurl=|archivedate=2002-12-19}}</ref>
<ref name="ThePlanetarySociety_2001">{{Verkkoviite | Osoite = | Nimeke =The "Wow!" Signal Still Eludes Detection | Tekijä = Amir Alexander | Ajankohta = 17.1.2001| Julkaisupaikka = | Julkaisija =The Planetary Society | Viitattu = 15.10.2010 | Kieli = {{en}} }}</ref>